rc edits official

Monday, July 11, 2022

Ae Inspired Badass Project File Download

July 11, 2022 0


hey guys Rc here for alight basics a weekly series where i teach you all the ins and outs of adobe premiere pro and today i'm not doing it alone we have a feature today with no one other than storisium now today we are going to teach you eight different transitions that are so simple that you don't even need presets for them so without any further ado let's get started and fire up adobe alight now let's start with a visual transition that depends on your shots when transitioning from one shot to another look for a second shot with visual elements like rocks trees or other objects now place the two shots behind each other then duplicate the second clip and freeze frame the first frame now place that above the end of the first video track then we're going to take our time and properly mask around an object now this can also be a rock a billboard a person whatever if there are multiple objects on screen you can duplicate the layer and mask these objects as well okay once you've masked your object nest the layer and go to the effect panel take the transform effect and drag it onto your nested layer then go to the effect controls panel and deselect the composition shutter checkbox set a custom one of 180. then animate the object so that it pops on screen you can do this by placing keyframes for the position property now don't forget to ease your keyframes once you've made this animation now you can make this longer by dragging the layer more over the first video of course and if you have multiple objects try and play around with different speeds and different directions and as a finishing touch you can always right click on the cut between the two video clips and add a cross dissolve but make it quite short this will give you this result hey jill thanks for having me on your channel it's awesome to be here the next transition is one of my personal favorites and i like to call it the glow transition it's a little similar to the dip to white effect that is built into premiere but also a little different anyway you'll see inside premiere we're going to use these two clips on the timeline for the demo i'm going to start by adding an adjustment layer you can do this in the project panel click on the new icon and then select adjustment layer you can accept the default settings and click ok we can now drag the adjustment layer over to the timeline and place them on top of the two clips of course you can choose any duration for the transition but in this case i'll go for two seconds and i also want the adjustment layer part on the second clip to be a little longer than the part on the first clip    

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completion and then we need to create two more keyframes with the value 100 and then put these two at the beginning and the end and also here we're going to make it a bit more smoother by right clicking on the first keyframe and then select ease out and then right click on the middle keyframes and select bezier and for the last keyframe we'll select ease in and if i now open up the graph you can see that there's a nice curve this will give more smoothness to the animation in some cases mainly depending on the footage the cut between the clips might still feel a bit rough but you can fix this by adding a simple cross dissolve effect between the two clips this will make it blend a lot better and that is all you need to know to create this awesome drawing transition let's have a look at the final result [] wow that was awesome now guys if you want to see our next four transitions then head over to sterezium's account the video is also linked in our credit scene so go ahead and look at those other transitions if you want to master all of them i'll see you guys next week for a new live stream and a new tutorial and as always stay creative


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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Spotify Lyrics Edit Preset Xml Download

July 10, 2022 0


hey guys Rc here for alight basics a weekly series where i teach you all the ins and outs of adobe premiere pro and today i'm not doing it alone we have a feature today with no one other than storisium now today we are going to teach you eight different transitions that are so simple that you don't even need presets for them so without any further ado let's get started and fire up adobe alight now let's start with a visual transition that depends on your shots when transitioning from one shot to another look for a second shot with visual elements like rocks trees or other objects now place the two shots behind each other then duplicate the second clip and freeze frame the first frame now place that above the end of the first video track then we're going to take our time and properly mask around an object now this can also be a rock a billboard a person whatever if there are multiple objects on screen you can duplicate the layer and mask these objects as well okay once you've masked your object nest the layer and go to the effect panel take the transform effect and drag it onto your nested layer then go to the effect controls panel and deselect the composition shutter checkbox set a custom one of 180. then animate the object so that it pops on screen you can do this by placing keyframes for the position property now don't forget to ease your keyframes once you've made this animation now you can make this longer by dragging the layer more over the first video of course and if you have multiple objects try and play around with different speeds and different directions and as a finishing touch you can always right click on the cut between the two video clips and add a cross dissolve but make it quite short this will give you this result hey jill thanks for having me on your channel it's awesome to be here the next transition is one of my personal favorites and i like to call it the glow transition it's a little similar to the dip to white effect that is built into premiere but also a little different anyway you'll see inside premiere we're going to use these two clips on the timeline for the demo i'm going to start by adding an adjustment layer you can do this in the project panel click on the new icon and then select adjustment layer you can accept the default settings and click ok we can now drag the adjustment layer over to the timeline and place them on top of the two clips of course you can choose any duration for the transition but in this case i'll go for two seconds and i also want the adjustment layer part on the second clip to be a little longer than the part on the first clip    

                       XML LINK HERE

completion and then we need to create two more keyframes with the value 100 and then put these two at the beginning and the end and also here we're going to make it a bit more smoother by right clicking on the first keyframe and then select ease out and then right click on the middle keyframes and select bezier and for the last keyframe we'll select ease in and if i now open up the graph you can see that there's a nice curve this will give more smoothness to the animation in some cases mainly depending on the footage the cut between the clips might still feel a bit rough but you can fix this by adding a simple cross dissolve effect between the two clips this will make it blend a lot better and that is all you need to know to create this awesome drawing transition let's have a look at the final result [] wow that was awesome now guys if you want to see our next four transitions then head over to sterezium's account the video is also linked in our credit scene so go ahead and look at those other transitions if you want to master all of them i'll see you guys next week for a new live stream and a new tutorial and as always stay creative

                  PRESET LINK HERE

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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Ishwarya Menon Soft Edit Project File Download

July 05, 2022 0

 Here's our complete Alight Motion  Tutorial for beginners. I'm gonna show you everything you need to know. All the key features and a ton of video editing tips to get you cutting videos in Premier like a pro fast. Now, if you've already been using Premier for a while, drop a comment down below while you're watching with your number one tip for editing in Premier to help out others that are new. All right, so jumping straight into it. 

We're here now in Alight Motion  on a Mac. Now, the process is gonna be pretty much exactly the same if you're on Windows as well. So this is what you'll see when you first open up the program. You have a list of all your recent projects in the middle here. So, if you wanna continue working on a project, this is where it will be. Or if you wanna make a new project like we're gonna do here, you wanna come up the top left to new project. So, what we're seeing now is essentially this import tab. The three primary tabs or areas in Adobe Premier now. Import, edit and export. And it's really the three processes or the three main steps that you're going do when you're making a video. So, the first thing 

we're gonna do though, is we're gonna give our project a name. So, I'm gonna go Justin edit. We can choose where we want our project to be saved. We can come over here to our import settings and we get to choose whether our media or in any of our files are gonna stay on our computer where they currently are, or if we're gonna copy our media to the same location that we've created our project in. I'm gonna leave this one unchecked. We'll leave our media where it is. We can also specify here to create a new bin or a new folder for any of the footage that we wanna import straightaway here. And we can also choose if we wanna create a new video sequence yet or not. And a video sequence is essentially your edit or your timeline. Now, I can go ahead and turn that one off as well for now, because I wanna show you how to set everything up correctly so that you know that you're using the right settings for your footage and for the videos that you're making. So, we could go through here and we could find our video footage. For me, I've got some saved on the desktop, on the video files. I could come through here and select the footage that I wanna import. But to me, I'd rather do it the more traditional way with Adobe Premier. So, we're just gonna go ahead down the bottom here and hit create. 

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So, we're just essentially creating an empty project. So, you can see now that we've done that, we're actually now over on this edit tab. If any time we wanna go back to the import one, we can click that up the top here, edit and export, which we'll get to a little later. Now, quick overview of the interface up here is where we'll be able to view our source video clips and play them and preview them before we're actually using them in our project. We've also allow effect controls and volume and everything. All of that happens up here in this top left corner. Over here on the right, this is our program or playback window. This is where we can preview everything that we are editing. Down the bottom here is your main editing tool. This is the editing timeline. We've got our audio bars over the side here, or the visual representation of how loud or quiet our music and sound effects are. 

We've got our editing tool panel in the middle here with a lot of our core editing tools and features. This is where we'll access those. And then down the bottom left hand corner here, this is by default, this is your project window where we can see all the media and assets that we've imported. We've also got access to a media library here and even all of your effects and transitions. They're all down in this area. So, we're gonna leave this for now back on a project. So, this is where we'll be importing our footage. It's down in this area here we can right click and we can choose import, or we can come up the top to file import and we can navigate through and find the video files, music, all the assets that we wanna use in our video. So, mine's on the desktop under video files. I'm just gonna hit import on this to bring in those three folders. And you can see it's actually kept the file and folder structure here as well, so that everything is organized as it was on the computer. The other option you've got is to open up a file browser like in Windows Explorer or in Finder, and you can drag and drop your files into your project that way as well. So now that we have our files in, the next step is to create our editing timeline or our sequence as Premier calls it

So, what I like to do here to make sure we're getting everything set up correctly is I wanna go and find my primary video footage. And I wanna click and drag that into this area. It even says here on the screen. Drop media here to create a sequence. So when we let that go, it's going to create our timeline, our sequence, but it's also going to use the exact format, frame rate, and settings that were used for our primary footage, so that we know that it is an exact match. So, we don't have to manually go in and configure everything. It's going to apply the settings from that main file. So, you wanna go ahead now and drop your primary footage into your timeline here. We can then come back over here. You can see we've got our timeline here, our sequence. We can call this Edit V1 version one. And maybe we'll move it out of this footage folder here and drop it down the bottom so that it's out there on its own.  cut our clip. K for cut. Makes perfect sense at that time. So, then all we need to do is select this clip. We can press Delete on the keyboard and it's going to remove it. Now, once again, this does leave the gap here in the timeline. So if we delete that, so we've still got that cut, still split into two clips. We can actually select this clip on the left that we wanna remove and we can press Shift + Delete on Windows or Shift + Function + Delete on Mac, and it's actually gonna remove the clip and it's going to close up the gap automatically. So, it's a ripple delete. 

Now on Mac, you can also use Option + Delete. So, you're pressing one less key and it's gonna do the same thing. Now, if we zoom back out, we go across to the end of our video here. Zoom back in a little bit. You can see that I actually stopped speaking here. So, let's assume the video finishes here and we wanna remove everything on the end. We could just come across here again, grab the end of our video and let it go where we want our video to finish. Or another really fast way to remove all of this with one keyboard button press is just to press W on the keyboard which is a ripple edit to the right. So, it's essentially going to automatically, when we press it, make a cut in our timeline, it's then going to select everything back to our previous edit or to the end of our clip in this case. And it's going to select it and remove it and close up the gap. So, if I press W now, you can see that all of that has happened with one keyboard button press. So, that's to the right, but this also works to the left as well. So, let's say we got a cut in our timeline here. Control + K to make a cut. And we want to remove just this first piece here and start this . So, we can play through or scrub through our can just come over to the type tool. We then come up to the top here and we can draw out a text box and we can literally just start typing. And we can see that that's generated a title down in our timeline, this little pink thing here. Now, if we double click on that pink title, and this is where we can open it up and get far more control over the look and feel of this title. So if I select the text here, then I can change the font. Let's go Oswald. This is our primal video font. Let's go semibold. We can also add a background behind it. We can adjust the opacity on that box. So, let's make it like a light blue, like a primal video, kind of blue. Something like that. Now, if we wanna change the position and maybe move it down a little bit, where you can come over here to our transform tools. So, we can bring this down a little bit here now, and we can even save this once we're happy with it as a style. So, we can come over here to styles. We can choose create a style. 

Let's call it PV for primal video. Go okay. Now, next time we wanna create a title, we can just select, we can type in our text and we can select that text and pick our style. And it's now using the same settings as what we saved down the bottom here. Let me come up the top here, where we got that second layer of text. I'm just gonna clear that to delete it. And we've now got some text down the bottom that will appear at this point in the video, at the start, and it will disappear at the end. So if we zoom in on this now, then these also behave just like every other clip so we can shorten them, we can extend it, we can pick it up, we can move it around. So, you wanna go through now and add in any titles or text into your video. Now, you also noticed that when I double clicked on this to open it up, it actually changed up our interface here. We've now got this new essential graphics panel that's appeared here on the right. We can actually at any time go to Window, Workspaces, and we can just go reset to save layout and that's gonna change everything back to our normal layout. So, you wanna go through now and add in any titles or text into your video. From there, we're gonna add in any transitions or effects into our edit. So, if we come over here to effects. Then down here we've got video effects and we've also got video transitions. So, if you open up video transitions, let's just go to dissolve. Now, there's a lot in here to choose from. And a lot of them can make your video look pretty cheap or pretty amateurish. So, what I suggest is that you stick in to things like the dip to black, dip to white or cross dissolve, or even a film dissolve. They're a much more popular, much more widely used in broadcast transitions without going overboard. So, let's say that we wanna fade in our title at the start here. Let's come back to the start of our project and pressing plus to zoom in. We can grab this cross dissolve transition, and we can drop it on the start of our graphic here. And you can see that it goes green, and we now have this cross dissolve on here. So, as we play through this now, you can see that for the length of that transition on here, our clip is fading on. Now, we can shorten that, to speed it up, or we can lengthen it to slow it down. But that's how easy it is to add some of these effects and transitions onto your timelines. So, maybe we'll have one at the end as well. So, our title can fade back out and we'll make it a little bit quicker as well. So we've now got a title that fades in, stays on the screen, and then fades back out at the end. Now, you can also add these transitions between your video clips as well. So, say if we grab this dip to black and let's drag it to the join between the two clips here on our timeline, then our video would play through, would fade out or dip to black and then come back in. 

So, if you want to fade between one scene and another, then that's normally something you would do with a transition. Now, in terms of a transition in a video like this, where essentially it's the same shot before and after the transition, I wouldn't normally do this. So, I'm gonna click on that and I'm gonna press delete to remove it. Instead, what I would do with our YouTube content is just zoom in on one of the clips so that it'll look like it was essentially a separate camera angle or a more zoomed in shot to break it up for the viewer. So to do that, I would just select one of the clips. Come up here to affect controls, come down here to scale, and I would increase this number. Now, you don't wanna go too much depending on how you've shot this and your setup here. You could actually be lowering the quality of your video slightly. So, don't go overboard with this. And you can see now if we look at the difference in the shot. That's the original, and then when it hits this point, it zooms in for this next part of the video breaking it up for the viewer. Now, in order to really sell this effect, you wanna make sure that if you've got someone's face on screen, you wanna try and keep their eyes in a very similar position. So, I'm just gonna move this across now to try and line up my eyes. So it's not perfect, but it's much closer now that that effect is gonna be more subtle for your viewers watching. Now, when you're going through in adding effects, if you do wanna speed up or slow down a clip or play a clip backwards, you can just , these are just the same as every other type of clip. We can click on it, pick it up, we can move it around. So, let's make it start at the start of our video. We can go across to the end of our video, make sure that it's going to finish at the same time as our edit. So, we trim the end off. And if you needed to make any cuts or remove any sections or even repeat sections of your audio track, then again, you can use it using this same tools I showed you for editing at the start. Sot back and I'm gonna see what that sounds like. And then we can make adjustments up and down from there if it's too loud or too quiet. Now, one other thing I like to do when I am adjusting my volume levels is to zoom in on this section of the timeline as well. Now, we can do it down here with these little sliders here, going up and down on the side. We can make these video layers bigger or smaller so we could stretch this up. We can then slide this down and then we can access more detail on what it is we're looking at. 

Now, you can also see that now that we've zoomed in, we also have this little line across the bottom here. Now, this is also our volume level. So, if I click on this and drag it up, we can see that the volume has increased back to, in this case 0.1 decibels. And we can drop that back down to where we had it at minus 33, just by lifting this line up and down if I undo that. But what we can also do is key frame or manually adjust our volume levels throughout the entire track, because sometimes you'll want it louder in one point and then quiet in another. We can do all of that with key frames. So, let's say that we wanted our audio here starting at the minus 33. And then for a section up here, we want it much louder. We want it back to full volume. We can click on this little create key frame button. We can then come across along a little bit more and we can add a new key frame. And then from here, we can grab this line again and move it up to the volume that we want. And our volume now is at that point for the remainder of the video. So, then we work out where we want it to come back down to a quieter volume. 

We can again add a transition point or a key frame it's called where we want that transition to start and where we want it to end. And then we can make the adjustments in there back to lower our volume back down. And these are things that you can come back in and you can adjust afterwards. You can pick them up, you can move them around all to really get that granular control over your sound. Once we're done with our volume levels, the next thing we're gonna do is to color grade or color correct your video footage. So again, I like to do this on the first clip first, because you'll probably find like in this case, it's the same camera, same light, so we can apply the same color grade or color effect that we're gonna apply to the bulk of our footage and then make any minor tweaks or adjustments to individual clips as we need to. So, we're gonna select down first clip. We're gonna come up here to Window and we're going to turn on what's called Lumetri color. Now, there is a ton of settings in here all to help you really dial in and bring out the look and feel for the video that you're after. So, we are by no means gonna cover off everything in here. But by default under this creative tab, so if you're not seeing it, you can click on creative. This is the default panel that shows up. In here, you've got some looks and think of these as if they're like Instagram filters, where you got different presets or different looks that you can go through and apply to your videos. Now, obviously we can go through, we can customize these up with a bunch of tools in here as well. But the idea here is if you find something that matches close to what you're after, it might make sense to start with one of these looks first and then make minor adjustments instead of starting with your raw footage, and trying to work towards one of these looks. But because we're not gonna go overboard with color correcting here, I'm gonna go back to the top here and select none. So, we don't have any of these filters or looks applied. 

And what I'm gonna choose here is the basic correction panel. And the first adjustment I'm going to make is to the exposure or the brightness of the shot. So, I'm gonna come down here, I'm gonna grab this slider. If we wanna make it brighter, we drag it to the right. We wanna make it darker, we drag it to the left. So, you wanna make sure that the brightness is where you want it for your shot first. And again, I want you to remember that this is art. This is a creative thing. There is no right or wrong. This is gonna help with the feeling that your video is creating based on how it looks. So, I usually start off first with the exposure and then the contrast. Again, if we slide this one way, we're going to remove contrast. We're gonna increase contrast if we go the other way. So, I've darkened up some of those blacks. The next one I adjust is the white balance. Now, we could just grab this little eye dropper here and select something white in our scene, like this shelf here and that's gonna get it pretty close, or we can manually use these sliders here for temperature and add more blue or cool down our shot a little bit, or likewise back the other way add more warmth by adding more orange, and the same with the tint. We can add more green or remove green by adding more pink using the next slider. Now, if you wanna see a before and after we can come up here where we've got basic correction. This little check box here, we can turn that off and on. So, this is the before. This is the after.

 So, we've really just brightened it up and added a bit more color. And the last slider that is pretty helpful as well is the saturation one here. If we wanna boost the colors or amplify them, we can just move this a little bit. You don't wanna go too much or you'll look totally sunburnt. But likewise, back the other way you can remove color too. So, it might add a little bit more color here. Something like that. And again, if this is something that we wanna apply to the rest of our clips, we can come over here to our effect controls and you'll see that we've got the Lumetri color tab in here. Again, we can copy the settings that we've applied there. We can select the rest of our footage here and we can paste it. Edit, paste. And that's gonna apply those same color grades or same effects to the remaining clips. So, you wanna go through now, color grade all of your footage including any of your B-roll clips as well. And then, it is time to export your video. So, I wanna come over here then to the export tab. And then as with everything in Premier, you got a ton of options in here. Now, there are presets for things like YouTube and Vimeo and Twitter. You can see here down the left. And if you're going to use these, you can automatically upload your video to YouTube as well. As you can sign into your YouTube channel, enter your title, description, all of that, all from Premier. So once your video has finished exporting, it's also going to upload to YouTube for you. Now, this actually does work really well, but personally, what I do instead is I go for a media file. So, I'm just exporting an MP4 or a regular video file and saving that to my computer. And I'm manually uploading it once I'm happy with it.

 So, I wanna preview it and check it's all good before it goes off to YouTube. So for that, we wanna go to media file. We can choose a file name here. We can choose our location where we're gonna save our file. Now, typically the settings here by default are usually pretty good because they're based on your project settings which were based on your primary footage when we created our timeline back at the start. So we can see here just the default settings are matching 1920x1080, 25 frames per second. That's our video source. The output that it's suggesting is 1920x1080, 25 frames per second, so it's matched that. And it's also got a suggested quality or a target bit rate here as well. But what I like about this in Premier is it also tells you the file size that it's going to create for you too. So, if you need to create a video with a specific file size, or you need to try and keep it small, then this is gonna give you an estimated file size here before you have to wait for the thing to export. Now, if you ask someone who needs to customize everything up, obviously you've got all the settings in here to be able to really dial everything in. 

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But again, for most people, you'll probably find that default settings here are going to be pretty close to what you're after. Then all you need to do is hit export and your file is going to save out. Once it's done, you wanna play it back and preview it ideally on a mobile device as well. That's where a lot of people are gonna be consuming your content. You wanna make sure that you're happy with how it looks and sounds and everything there. If you've got any changes, come back into Premier, make them and obviously export again. Once you're happy with it, that's when you can go ahead and share your video out. So, that's a complete walkthrough using Adobe Premier. Now, if you wanna print out and download the exact step by step process that I just took you through in this video that will actually apply to any editing app or program to help you edit faster and more efficiently, then grab your free copy using the link on screen now, and I'll see you in the next video. 

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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Priyanka Mohan Soft Edit Preset Download

June 30, 2022 0


                          Soft edit Project file

Hi Guy's with Candy Style transitions, they're a really effective way to make your video feel a lot more cohesive and professional and if you're watching this video I'm pretty sure you've been exposed to a lot of transition packs, and tutorials on how to get those awesome totally cool transitions but today we're gonna be showing you how to create for super simple transitions right inside of Alight Motion.


These are so simple that maybe you'll start to incorporate them into your regular workflow and we're going to avoid transitions, that have gotten a lot of love maybe too much love from the internet so no zoom blurs hopefully you haven't seen all of these before so let's dive right into it with number, one the card whip this one you might have seen in some of our other tutorials in the past your at motion array,

    it's just like treating your footage like a set of stacked cards and when you want to move on to the next one so once you've got your footage down, on the timeline place your first clip on the second layer and your second clip on the first layer like a descending staircase next overlap them, slightly and on your top clip drop on the transform effect from your effects panel.


  once it's here find where you want the transition to happen and keyframe, your position at the start of the transition now move to where you want the transition to finish and keyframe, the position to have your footage completely off screen you'll probably only need a few frames to make this look right make sure that at all times between these two keyframes there's a piece of footage overlapping underneath, this top clip then click this drop down and activate the graph for your motion and keyframes.

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So now we can set a position keyframe, where we want these clips to start separating and then make a second keyframe and set it to be just off-screen, then by using these back and forward icons for our keyframe we can bring the playhead back to exactly the same location to make matching but opposite keyframes, for our bottom clip so now we have a linear separation but I want to make it a little bit more dynamic bring up the positions.

 Alight Motion but like I mentioned, if you want to take your transitions to the next level we have tons of transitions for you to check out here at motion, or Raycom we also have a ton of Alight Motion plug-in transitions that you can download at no additional cost to an existing paid motion or a membership and finally if more learning is your cup of tea we've also got loads of other tutorials for Alight Motion, and After Effects feel free to check those out too but that's it for me thank you so much for watching and I can't wait to see you in the next video you.

                         XML Download

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Shake Transition Tutorial & Preset Download

June 28, 2022 0




hi friends this is video Lancer in this video I will show you a simple way to create these popular distortion zoom transitions.

    so let's start create a new composition,and import your footage --es into it create an adjustment layer cut the adjustment layer at the junction between two footages the first part of the adjustment layer, will be responsible for the beginning of the transition the second is for the ending. 

     so let's call these layers in and out respectively use transform effect for the in layer and animate parameter scale, from 100 to 300 percent now smooth the animation a little in graph editor so that speed could increase closer to the junction make this similar animation for out layer set 25% for scale value near the junction and 100% for the final key smooth the graph so that the animation slow, down at the end you to fill the blank space that appeared here use motion tile effect and increase values for output.

    nowlet's add motion blur switch off a check box in transform effect and increased,  value of shutter angle up to maximum a leaping appeared at the junction to fix this simply slide this key one frame forward this stair effect was caused by the limits in 16 samples per a frame 4 transform effect in order to fix it just add extra smoothing on problematic Clips it can be done by CC radial blur effect you,

      it's ready at this stage the transition is already looking good but we'll go on a doctor's compensation effect, on the in layer switch on checkbox reverse lens distortion for parameter fov set animation values from 0 to 160 then copy optics compensation effect to the out layer here, you should switch on the checkbox optimal pixels, for parameter fov set animation values from 160 to 0 then smooth the animation in graph editor.

   you if it is necessary you can correct the animation for scale in order it could match distorting effect maximally, well you you can add intermediate keys in order to smooth the better closer to the ending you now let's add chromatic aberrations I won't show in detail how to create them you can see this in my previous video overviews I'll just add a ready preset animate the shift parameter in the preset settings peak, should be at the junction of the transition you it is ready.  

 it looks very cool but to complete the transition, we need to add the option to change zoom target add a new null object and call it target control go to settings of chromatic aberrations and click on optic center while holding down the Alt key now link these parameters, to position of target control layer copy this expression into other effects that have point control this is the anchor point and position of transform effect center of optics compensation effect, and CC radial blur you it is ready you and finally let's add a sound effect done that is all if you like similar effects you can get hundreds of similar transitions ready for use they are power zoom elastic diamond lenz and others all the links are in the description.

  I do hope this video tutorial was useful for you next time I will show you how to create the similar zoom transition directly,in Premiere Pro subscribe to not miss this was video Lancer so long.

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Friday, June 24, 2022

Trending Bad Guy Shake Transition Xml Download

June 24, 2022 0


hey guys Rc here for alight basics a weekly series where i teach you all the ins and outs of adobe premiere pro and today i'm not doing it alone we have a feature today with no one other than storisium now today we are going to teach you eight different transitions that are so simple that you don't even need presets for them so without any further ado let's get started and fire up adobe alight now let's start with a visual transition that depends on your shots when transitioning from one shot to another look for a second shot with visual elements like rocks trees or other objects now place the two shots behind each other then duplicate the second clip and freeze frame the first frame now place that above the end of the first video track then we're going to take our time and properly mask around an object now this can also be a rock a billboard a person whatever if there are multiple objects on screen you can duplicate the layer and mask these objects as well okay once you've masked your object nest the layer and go to the effect panel take the transform effect and drag it onto your nested layer then go to the effect controls panel and deselect the composition shutter checkbox set a custom one of 180. then animate the object so that it pops on screen you can do this by placing keyframes for the position property now don't forget to ease your keyframes once you've made this animation now you can make this longer by dragging the layer more over the first video of course and if you have multiple objects try and play around with different speeds and different directions and as a finishing touch you can always right click on the cut between the two video clips and add a cross dissolve but make it quite short this will give you this result hey jill thanks for having me on your channel it's awesome to be here the next transition is one of my personal favorites and i like to call it the glow transition it's a little similar to the dip to white effect that is built into premiere but also a little different anyway you'll see inside premiere we're going to use these two clips on the timeline for the demo i'm going to start by adding an adjustment layer you can do this in the project panel click on the new icon and then select adjustment layer you can accept the default settings and click ok we can now drag the adjustment layer over to the timeline and place them on top of the two clips of course you can choose any duration for the transition but in this case i'll go for two seconds and i also want the adjustment layer part on the second clip to be a little longer than the part on the first clip    

completion and then we need to create two more keyframes with the value 100 and then put these two at the beginning and the end and also here we're going to make it a bit more smoother by right clicking on the first keyframe and then select ease out and then right click on the middle keyframes and select bezier and for the last keyframe we'll select ease in and if i now open up the graph you can see that there's a nice curve this will give more smoothness to the animation in some cases mainly depending on the footage the cut between the clips might still feel a bit rough but you can fix this by adding a simple cross dissolve effect between the two clips this will make it blend a lot better and that is all you need to know to create this awesome drawing transition let's have a look at the final result [] wow that was awesome now guys if you want to see our next four transitions then head over to sterezium's account the video is also linked in our credit scene so go ahead and look at those other transitions if you want to master all of them i'll see you guys next week for a new live stream and a new tutorial and as always stay creative

           XML LINK HERE

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Sunday, June 19, 2022

funimate Apk Download

June 19, 2022 1


hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel 

so today I'm going to be doing a fun image torial mainly because I've been trying to get Jack Mac building this up quite a while I know they probably won't see this but I just wanted to make a video so if they do want to look into it they could watch this video and see what fun of me is about like what it is how to use it is that your etc so without further ado let's get started with today's video so basically fun of me is an app kind of like what musically used to be you can make music videos and add text and all sorts of stuff so it's basically an advanced version of music play before it turned into tick tock with all the lighten arts routines and stuff like that so let's get in so so this is my username howdy boys I have 1019 folders

 so it's basically just an app where you can like create videos Islands out some examples in here  it's easier to say so I'm just gonna show you basically how to set up an account so I'll see when you go on it will basically say like Logan whatever so you always see you can click edit profile and you can go seek and your name on Instagram YouTube buyer like all the photos jag right which is well adorable and I'll see ya will see by UPS my profile picture so hit up if you see this another thing about fun of me is you can earn stars depending on how many followers you have likes features I have no pictures I have three stars for likes followers yes don't look up so it on the setting and like Twitter's and stuff like that and you can add like yo social media as well yeah you see I'm not a pro and you can totally up says so yeah and then obviously up there you can kind of just like search for users or search for hashtags my main reason for getting us at the moment was obviously like for me to gain Fame but quite recently I've been using a lot of jack Markell you try and get them popular and try and get them same kind of hoping one day they might decide to get this out because it's pretty to you soon so it isn't like you have like notifications on like who's villagers or if you're watching this shout out to you guys who was known as obviously set and there are like hashtags and you can like get your videos I do a lot of hashtags just to try and get like some fame there's also obviously following featured in the tutorials and then there's like the fun stars I I've been trying to become a buns nun out for quite a while but I'm still not getting anywhere but you have like top fundamentals as well fun stars rising stars rising stars basically just like people who are just getting quite a lot for him I think and it'll come in quite popular which is a shame that I haven't made it onto this list yet because I have like a thousand 19 followers but hey it doesn't really matter so yeah


 so now I'm going to be showing you how to create a fun of me there are lots of different effects you can use like texts and filters and other stuff so let's just get on with the video so you want to go to plus and then you can either shoot a video edit a video I'm going to show you the shoot a video and I'm off but I'm going to be editing a video because I haven't got time to film one at this very moment so shoot a video so shoot a video you can have like video sounds so you can like select from your videos I haven't obviously I'm not doing this but you can like select a video to use under this birthday 

I'm gonna use click the hour in the top corner what I make sounds or you can use like fun of my songs or you can use songs in your library well you can just record without music um I actually didn't record without music one they did a cover of all I won by Olivier Rodrigo from high school musical to musical series I'll insert that around kiss you guys can see that feels like how I was supposed to be I don't have anything basically you can just film pretty much anything you can use it for vlogging you can use it for OC doing hashtags building more fame whatever really and then you'll see you can edit the videos which is what I'm about to show you how to do so you go to the plus and then obviously I showed you shoot a video edit a video I'm going to be using less one portrait and under the spotlight I dare you come on and follow you dance to your own beat and I'll sing the melody when you say yeah us so I'm just gonna kind of be showing you like how to edit East I'm sorry you have the animations so you can like create I dare you all come up and then you can also have like custom as well so you can like meet the videos go like in [Music] like the scale ah so you can have stuff like that you can make it rotate I'm not like actually gonna use this as a video because I I haven't got time to be doing lots but I just kind of wanted to show people what the app was really about and I let you just already off tik-tok as you can tell um so yeah so you can love see like make it rotate so I can do that I'm not and then a rotation I can get it to go like and stuff you can change the opacity of the video so if I just quickly flip back around that's not going to be perfect because I don't yeah do it quickly and you can like change the apostate 

I'm like I just oh you can have out 100 lucky you can get it to go and so yeah that's kind of that that looks really messed up now I'm gonna go to I'm just gonna split the video real quick splitting a video you can like split and crack them duplicate and stuff like that no I have to go to anime and costume and add the opacity back to 100 but dance so you splitting is actually really good for like adding like transitions you can have like as soon as you can get like transit Kazuyo zoo yeah and sooo yeah he takes a while it lags out quite a bit too like that so that's what you kind of have to get used to mess up i lagging out when you about two too many effects and stuff no see you can out like filters booyah on D and I'll sing the Verity you can have light filters I'm not gonna save that and then you can like cough color yeah and I'll say yeah so you can kind of do that as well you can also add text image yeah I think that's how you say particles in shapes I've used there's quite a lot of my videos text is obviously 


 I'm not usually people just use it for a lyric but I'm literally just going to do that and you can like change the font of there and you can change like the colors of it as well and you can do like shadows and orders and yeah it's quite cool really and then you just go here to kind of like select where you want the image at the image please don't buy my camera roll you heart club and you can have like anything really and you can also change like the background color as well yeah you can like have an image I have really added the gift but you can also have like particles I like Jeremy particles particles is one of my favorite things today there are definitely like prophets unfortunately you have to pay for unless you become I think it's well I should become a fun star then you have the opportunity to get it for free but that's my aim because I really want probe like and I can't fold it the a particle you can also change the colors change the size and then you just kind of like see when you say oh so you want with it earlier that's quite cool what else can you do text image yes I guess you would just do that shapes is quite cool as well because you can have like a shape and then you can like get it to blend and you can like have effect not really sure the effects on that I'm gonna do that in a second we can have like effects and also you can animate what you're setting out to do so 

I guess last thing on the list I'm guessing would be the effect mix I love the effect mix effect makes a circle so you can have likes you can have you can have glitch ones as well be for you for today but it's cool and then you have like bridges y'all cool um dizziness you don't really get much for does even say yeah cuz I unless you have for obviously I could unlock that one but I'm not and you can have like oh sick colors like demon demons are cool you say yeah yeah I don't want to go for everything because like almost a Dobby no point if you guys see all of this without super fast there you can use I haven't used marijuana in a while I have quite a few old ones I really like on my own account before I decide to get when you say yeah say yeah that's quite a few cool quite a few cool ones and stuff on her and you can might remove that and stuff and then when you want to upload a video you just click the hour is up there add a caption I'm just gonna put hi filming this YouTube video and then if you have Pro you can remove the watermark unless you download the video it won't show so if you download the video than it will than the watermark will show but if you just post it to animate it won't show so that doesn't really matter and I should want to save it and then you just click publish now I'm just gonna show y'all how to delete the video because I don't want that on my feed as you can share now we sit and we wait for that to upload so I can then straightaway delete it so I don't see is it I've gotta follow up but yeah you can just you saw that and then private videos it's kind of like if you want to save a video you can go back and edit another time if you don't have the time I guess that's kind of like the making of it this was kind of just like my tutorial I guess on how to use the app fun of me and what videos you can create this is kind of like my account I feel of like Jacquemont covers as well

 so I can show you that full if you're sorry that's a list of atomic hug from the band jag mark its one of my favs Angelique will always be my favorite I actually is what if our audios for this one attention she poses she prays to be started by the sculptor Hoshi you don't see they let that Shimon deeper than the eyes yeah use Angelique's one for that that's kind of like I guess just like a major on how to use this and when it's about um yeah if y'all have any questions about this app yeah if you guys have any questions about this app like how to use it etc what it is how much of course I believe it's four on the App Store I believe it's four on Google Play but yeah if you guys have any questions about any of this app please let me know in the comment section below or hit me up on my social medias I hope everyone has a great day and please remember to Like comment and subscribe peace out y'all I love you guys bye 

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